Adult FGC
The co-ordinator organises the meeting in conjunction with the adult or parents with parental responsibility and/or the immediate carers, identifying who is in the family network for the adult. This can include close friends.
• The co-ordinator discusses with the adult how they can be helped to participate in the conference and whether they would like a supporter or advocate at the meeting . The supporter/advocate will then meet with the adult in preparation for the meeting.
• The co-ordinator meets with members of the family network, discusses worries or concerns, including how the family group conference will be conducted, and encourages them to attend.
• The co-ordinator liaises with the referrer and other relevant agencies to ensure family members have appropriate information about:
- the welfare and/or protection concerns which need to be considered at the family group conference. This includes identifying any bottom line about what can, and, importantly, cannot be agreed as part of the plan for the adult from the agency’s perspective.
- services that could help the child or family.
• The co-ordinator negotiates the date, time and venue for the conference, sends out invitations and makes the necessary practical arrangements
Please click here for the Family Group Conference pre-planning guide.