Adult FGC
Information Giving:
This part of the meeting is chaired by the co-ordinator. They will make sure that everyone is introduced, that everyone present understands the purpose and process of the family group conference and agrees how the meeting will be conducted including, if felt helpful by those present, explicit ground rules. The service providers give information to the family about:
• the reason for the conference;
• information they hold about the adult and the family that will assist the family to make the plan;
• information about resources and support they are able to provide;
• any welfare concerns that will affect what can be agreed in the plan (e.g. that the child must not have contact with a particular person); and
• what action will be taken if the family cannot make a plan or the plan is not agreed.
The adult person and family members may also provide information, ask for clarification or raise questions.
Private family time
Agency staff and the co-ordinator are not present during this part of the conference. Family members have time to talk among themselves and come up with a plan that addresses concerns raised. They will identify resources and support which are required from agencies, as well as within the family, to make the plan work.